

How I Easily Relieved My Hand Pain and Arthritis in 3 Nights 

By: Dale Johnson | Published: September 26th, 2023

Confession time...

I haven’t always been the happy guy I am today. I used to suffer from achy hands, misaligned fingers, and decreased hand strength on a regular basis. Although it might not sound like a huge deal, think about how often you use your hands everyday…

While age has been taking its toll for awhile, a bad fall down the stairs really put me over the edge. Afterwards I suffered more muscle and tendon damage from trying to brace my fall. I almost couldn’t use my hands at all.

Buttoning my shirt? Forget it.

Turning a doorknob? Nope.

Playing the guitar for my wife? Ha, not a chance.

I tried everything to manage my condition - specialists, muscle relaxers, pain relievers, massages, icing, steroids - you name it. Nothing worked for me.

I was so desperate for relief that I was preparing to have a serious surgery. Even though specialist only gave it a 50% chance of success, and there was potential to make things worse.

Deep down, it was terrifying and I didn’t know what to do. 

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

There Must Be Another Option...

About 3 weeks before I needed to make a decision on the surgery, I stumbled on an interesting story from 1950. A young German engineer was struggling with venous disease. His symptoms included: pain, swelling, ulcers, tingling and cramping. A lot of the same symptoms I was experiencing in my hands. The condition was ruining his life, and there were no good solutions available at the time.

But one day he noticed the pain and swelling in his legs improved while he was swimming. This observation puzzled him, but he couldn’t let it go, and had to research it further. So he ran countless experiments and calculations. 

Finally, he discovered the water was providing an external pressure, which increased his blood flow rate. And as you may know, increased blood flow provides significant benefits to your body. Most common are pain relief and faster recovery.

Being the bright engineer he was, he didn’t stop there. Realizing external pressure brings relief, he developed the concept of gradient compression therapy. Which boosts the natural flow of blood against gravity without the need of water.

You see, as we get older gravity is NOT our friend. Everything becomes heavier, things start to sag, and joints start to break down. This is a prime reason old age is usually accompanied by chronic pain. And compression therapy directly helps with this.  

But the young engineer took it one step further. He figured out by targeting a specific area of the body, you can produce even greater results. So he made a compression stocking that focused only on his legs, and word quickly got out. People couldn’t get enough of this compression therapy method.

This brilliant engineer was Conrad Jobst. His discovery has since benefited millions of people worldwide. Today, scientists have found even more benefits of compression therapy such as:

1. Relief and comfort

2. Reduced scarring

3. Support and stability

4. Warmth and protection

5. Moisture management

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

This story and insight into compression therapy got me excited, so I decided to do more research. What if I could use compression to combat the hand pain that’s been ruining my life for the past few years…

As it turns out, there were plenty of compression gloves on the market. Lots of different colors, thicknesses, materials and companies. Some looked better than others, but I still didn’t love the idea of wearing gloves all day.

I went ahead and ordered a few different pairs from Amazon anyway. I tried all of them, and although they provided good pain relief, they weren’t very comfortable. I usually had to take them off after 30-45 minutes.

I found myself dreading the idea of putting them on, and as a result I only wore them when my hand pain really flared up. 

So they worked, but were extremely annoying. My hope for compression being the savior to my hand pain was diminishing.

Then right before I was about to give up and schedule the risky surgery I saw something that caught my attention…

The perfect solution for me: Onecompress™ Bamboo Gloves. They are made with an ultra-soft bamboo compression material designed for sleeping. That’s right! You can get all the benefits of compression while sleeping. 

I was sold on the idea! I knew compression worked, I just didn’t like wearing gloves all day. Especially when they’re uncomfortable. I had to give these a try, so I ordered a pair.

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

My Onecompress™ Gloves Diary…

Day 1:

Received the gloves. Helpful customer service team and nice looking package. First impression is that these gloves are extremely soft! Excited to wear them tonight. 

Day 2:

My usual morning hand ache is less noticeable than normal this morning. These gloves are definitely the most comfortable I’ve tried. The compression feels less intense, and I slept through the night which is good. 

Day 7:

I have significantly less hand pain, more strength and much higher energy levels. I even peeled some potatoes for breakfast this morning. I’m fully used to sleeping with the gloves, and they are making my morning so much more enjoyable. 

Day 14:

I decided to cancel my surgery, and no longer feel the need for daily ibuprofen. The pain in my hands is almost non-existent except for an occasional throb here and there. I played the guitar for the first time in 3 years today, and I’m going to play poker at a friend’s house later tonight.

Day 14:

I’m happy, active and hardly think about hand pain at all anymore. I have a clear mind, great energy, and feel independent again.

My wife is amazed by the transformation she’s seen in me and says I’m tinkering around the house like I’m back in my college days. This last week, she even convinced me to play guitar at our local ‘open mic’ night. 

(Speaking of my wife, she's less excited now that I've discovered I can play the drums if I’m wearing the Onecompress performance gloves - which have grip)

Onecompress, I am a believer!

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

My Final Thoughts on Onecompress™ Bamboo Gloves

You would think that most compression companies would focus on comfort, but that’s not the case. Onecompress™ Bamboo is truly in a league of its own, and compression only works if you wear it!


Last time I checked they were running low on stock, so I would check here and see if they still have any available. If they do, I strongly suggest buying a few pairs! I like keep some on my nightstand, in the office and in my car.


Good luck & happy hands!

A Special Offer for Our Readers:

Claim your Onecompress™ now and Save 38% OFF for a LIMITED TIME

click here or use the button below >>

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What Are Other People Saying About Onecompress™ Bamboo Gloves

Rory L.

"I can't believe it took me this long to find these! I have been suffering from arthritis for almost 20 years now. Onecompress Gloves are the best solution for quick relief. Little trick - wear them to bed and you won't wake up with pain."

Jack W.

"I have carpal tunnel and some tendonitis in my hands and wrists. Recently it's been getting a lot worse to the point where I can't even enjoy golf or enjoy simple things. I got these gloves after a friend recommended them. HUGE difference. Give them a try if you're dealing with any kind of hand pain."

Lydia R.

"I replaced my expensive wrist splints withthe Onecompress gloves and they gave me immediate relief and comfort.  I've suffered from carpal tunnel and numbness for years. So easy to wear, going to order a few more pairs to have on hand! Great product!"

How Does Onecompress™ Bamboo Work?

Onecompress™ uses a specialized bamboo compression material that's unlike any other. The glove has 3 precision zones designed to provide therapeutic pressure. 

This immediately increases blood flow by up to 40% and promotes healing in your hands. Additionally, your body will release helpful oxygen and nutrients that ease pain.

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

All this happens once you slide the glove on your hand and requires zero effort. 

Imagine being able to use your hands pain-free and forget all the stress, anxiety and annoyances that come with hand pain... just by wearing something comfortable to bed.

Is Onecompress™ Bamboo For Everyone?

If you want to regain pain-free days that hand pain has stolen from you, then Onecompress™ Bamboo is for you.

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

If you DON'T experience hand pain, or DON'T want to prevent chronic hand pain that can develop later in life, it's not for you.

But if you’re reading this, chances are you’re motivated to start improving your hands. And Onecompress™ Bamboo is currently the easiest and fastest growing solution on the market. 

Especially if you're experiencing the common hand pain issues. Imagine how consistent good night sleeps and energized morning hands can impact your life.

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

Why Onecompress™ Bamboo is Like Nothing Else

Onecompress™ Bamboo fits your lifestyle so you can get relief anywhere and anytime you need. It is the most comfortable compression material on the market. 

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

The bamboo material relieves sharp pains, numbness, discomfort and swelling. But it has many other great benefits over standard compression as well. Here are a few of them:

1. Superbly Soft - Luxuriously comfortable and only gets softer everytime you wash it.

2. Thermoregulating - Warms you when it's cold and cools you when it's hot.

3. Native Freshness - Wicks moisture and prevents bad odor 4X better than cotton.

4. Naturally Antibacterial - Natural micro-gaps make it extremely breathable, bacteria-free and hypoallergenic. 

5. Eco-Friendly - Water consumption is 66% less than cotton and produces 10X more output per acre.

6. Organic Growth - No pesticides. No insecticides. No fertilizers. 100% organically grown.

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

It's worth mentioning this is the first and only hand pain solution designed for sleeping. 

This way your hands can recover all through the night so you wake up fresh and ready for the day. No more waking up in excruciating pain and suffering through the day.

Another thing customers love is the open-finger-tip design. Which doesn't restrict your touch, and provides great breathability. This means you can keep them on longer for more relief.

It’s easy to see why thousands of people are turning to this enjoyable hand recovery solution in 2023. 

relieve foot pains, onecompress bamboo footsleeves, sad woman

They are still very new, only available online, and can’t be found in stores.

But now that you know about the incredible relief Onecompress™ Bamboo can give you, here’s how you can try them:

1. Order Onecompress™ Bamboo from the company's official website below:

2. Start compressin’ and enjoy life without worrying about hand pain!

Onecompress™ currently has a 38% OFF bundle deal. If you want to check if inventory is still in stock, click here or use the button below >>

Get FREE Worldwide Shipping for a limited time.


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